Tuesday, December 14, 2010

After you try everything else...

OK, now for the rest of you who've read but kept silent thus far- any more tips on rescuing bygone perfumes? Having just bought a "new in box" vintage cologne Mitsouko (circa 1980s) that still smells pretty bad after an initial airing out, inquiring minds really want to know. Not that I'm ready to give up on it yet. There's no evaporation so no need to add back any volume with spirits. Has anyone tried pouring a troubled perfume through activated charcoal in effort to sweeten it back up? If a second, more extensive airing fails to cure this bottle of cologne, I'm trying a charcoal treatment next. I'll inform you if there is any great success. Perhaps with a protocol of sorts many previously supposedly spoiled perfumes could be restored or preserved.

The Vintage Perfume Vault, where the scent of yesterday's vogue lives.


Ines said...

That's interesting. I haven't heard before of curing perfume with activated charcoal. :) I wonder if it will be successful - can't wait to hear.

Vintage Lady said...

Yes please, let us know about that, it is really interesting.