What: Tabac parfum
Who: Plassard Parfums
When: 1815 to late 1940s ??
Where: Paris, France
Cost: $50-200 plus
Rarity: 6/10 (10 = rarest)

(image: parisapartment)
(image: hprints)
1911 Une Femme Passa
1927 De Fleur En Fleur
1928 Dyne
There are many more compositions attributed to L. Plassard; my reasons for highlighting these few below is that they all existed up through 1948 and so they are some of the best to search for (if you want to look)...
Bouquet de Paris (?- 1948?)
Matsi (?- 1948?)
Tabac (1900- post 1948?)
Oeillet Noir (? - 1948?, and so a new lemming is born...)
Conclusion (?- 1948?)
Above you can see the colorful magazine advertisements for Bouquet de Paris and Matsi; both date from late 1940s publications. Imagery for Tabac is more elusive (of course!). I find a 1900 date for it's release from one source but no print ads.
(Plassard Tabac image copywrite http://www.ventesuroffres.com/)
And while we're not on the subject, I also want to pay compliments to my fellow bloggers.... There are some really outstanding blogs I've discovered out there and many mavericks who create awesome, mind expanding visual/verbal content. To these folks, I'd like to give a hearty thanks (and I mean to include all of the bloggers on my blogroll list). And since you, dear reader, are here already... You might as well check some of the blogs on my blogroll, too.
I won't go back over any of those already included up to this point (btw, they're all spectacular). But yesterday (and maybe I'm slow, b/c his blog has been up for several years), I stumbled upon Ed Schepp's Scent Spectacular... and it's another great blog to seek out, particularly if you are interested in discovering more about raw perfume materials and how they smell, but he also keeps an eye towards commercial perfume releases. It's become a fast new fav of mine!
And for no reason other than general interest, please enjoy these tourist photos of the Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella monestary and perfume/pharmacy museum in Florence Italy. Mind-blowingly, this pharmacy was founded in the 13th century and has compounded scented elixirs for many, many luminaries throughout the ages.
(flickr: images of herbs and antique scent bottles from the Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella )
(image: flickr; antique poster for the Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella)
I always love to see inside farflung perfume shops. Great photos.
They are terrific:)
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