Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Next Vintage Perfume Review: Ravel FAUN!

It's been almost a month since my last post, and that's something I never wanted to do... but the recent quiessence of this blog belies the reality of my life. The closing of May marks the end of an incredibly hectic work year. I'm living with the truth of the old saying that whatever doesn't kill you, only leaves you stronger, or luctor et emergo, as they say.
Summer vacation starts June 1st so look for the upcoming review of a rare vintage perfume- Ravel's FAUN, circa 1940s. I'm also slowly putting together a very limited sample package of some of the recently reviewed perfumes featured here on TVPV, which I'll be sending to a couple of perfume bloggers that I know. So stay tuned, and maybe you can hear what they think of some of the perfumes I've brought out of the vault. And I'll be back in full force in June! In the meantime, in the photo you see my bottle of Ravel's Faun- it's not a fancy presentation, but don't let the Chanel knock-off presentation fool you...

The Vintage Perfume Vault, where the scent of yesterday's vogue lives.


ScentScelf said...

Aw, tease a little bit more with some notes...or an going to be ticking off days until June 1st...


Completely understand the blog quiescence, btw. At the end of an academic term myself, and have had to try to stick with weekly posting. Certainly am looking forward to your return...and thanks for the pretty picture in the interim!

Amelia said...

Thanks ScentSelf- it was hard just to touch bases and not tell more! And Ravel's so rare- you won't find anything on them, I'm fairly sure. So I'm typing away on the full reveal as we speak, so to speak! Amelia

Anonymous said...

pls help...would like to get my dad a birthday gift for his 78th birthday and i would like to know which lovely yet classic perfume i can get him

cletsey said...

I was looking for a gorgeous fragrances that fill your world with sensory pleasure even though I am not good for a fragrance descriptions but I wanted to have a perfume collections.

pheromone advantage