But until then, I have the pleasant task of updating you on the Vivaudou story. If you recall, in the intial story I speculated that the two Vivaudou's- Jean and Victor, were related. Well, it turns out they were related indeed! In fact, I heard from the grandson of Victor Vivaudou, a lovely gentleman named David Kinnement. It turns out David's grandfather Victor did much more than make perfume (and establish a thriving cosmetics business). He was arrested for smuggling (Diamonds! In his own Vivaudou (?) cold cream!) in the early 1920's. But his career began on a more hope-filled note when he graduated as a MaƮtre de Parfum in Grasse around 1903. By 1914, he'd fled France to avoid the impending war and seek his fortune and fame in America, making cosmetics and perhaps trading in off-market women's couture (I'm assuming perhaps from his Old World connections...) . He left his wife and children behind and brought his mistress, Rose, to the US with him.
There he met the landed gentry of New York's golden society. He attended glittering parties that lasted for days at the Vanderbilt's and Gatsby's, and soon he and Rose purchased a home nearby. He started Vivaudou cosmetics, either with his father Jean, or more likely using Jean's name for the company (it isn't clear to me which was the case). Vivaudou landed in New York at a magical time in history and he was there to see New York transform itself from an almost provincial, colonial American city with quaint Belle Epoch tastes to the fully industrialized, sky scraper filled, world-class wonder we know today. Vivaudou associated with the cream of the crop of designers and artists of his time. The period of time and place in which he lived- New York, during the height of the jazz age and the birth of modern fashion photography and art, was as unique as the parfums he created.
His Orloff perfume bottles are certainly beautiful and distinctive, as Nikki attests. But what strikes me the most, as it did David, is the wonderful art work that was used in Vivaudou's print advertisements. One of the most famous artists he used, Henry Clive, achieved fame as a pin-up artist but he created many beautiful images for Vivaudou's cosmetics, powders and perfumes. I've taken the liberty of putting a few of these increasinly rare images up for you to feast your eyes on and so they can live on here among all the other wealth of vintage goodies I try to pack into this space.
Above, a gorgeous & detailed Mavis advertisement- the face powder, of course! And below,

Note: all of the black and white images are DeMeyer: Dolores, first published in Vogue 1921 and 1916; Grace George, Vanity Fair 1920, courtesy Conde Nast. What you see here are photographs taken directly from my own DeMeyer book.
Dear Amelia,
Thanks a lot for your interesting blog and this particular post.
I`m Russian perfumaniac (I`m into vintages too) and Nikki by Orloff as Russian-related perfume name is one I want to know more.
Actually I find your blog when hunting for information about Special №127 by Floris - the story goes that Grand Duke Orloff was the client. Due to time-line, only Vladimir Nikolaevitch Orlov (1886-1927), a friend of last Russian Emperor Nicholas II could possibly order it.
Do you know, how Orloff Parfums get that noble family name?
My e-mail is moonfish67 at google dot com
Best regards,
It is Rachal of Quirky Finds. Thank you very much for the follow up post to of the Vivaudou company. I am doing a round table presentation on the Vivaudou Company at this year's convention for the IPBA and I am desperately seeking knowledge about the Vivaudou company. I attempted to contact David (the grandson) from the earlier post, but it bounced back. This post has definitely helped me with some of the history. If you have any additional info, please do share. Once again, thank you for writing this. :o)
Sergey: Sorry but I too have lost contact with David so I have no information on the family name- at one time, there was an article up online that David had written about his family. There were connections to Monte Carlo and apparently his Grandfather was quite a roust-about...
Sorry I can't tell you more!
thanks for commenting- I love QuirkyFinds, of course! But I wanted to add, if I forgot to include it either of the Vivaudou posts that David and I had emailed back and forth a few times and I asked at one point if he or his relatives had ever inherited any of the Vivadou perfumes, or the bottles. He told me that all of the perfumalia had been kept from his side of the family or had been lost, except for what he described as a very special bottle that his Grandmother had kept- of oakmoss extract.
btw: enjoy your conference this year; sadly I can't attend this one but maybe yes for 2012:)
Thanks!!! The entire post has been a great help!!
I plan to do a video on the highs of the convention. I will post it to the Facebook page and on the YouTube channel. Definitely hope to see you next year!! :o)
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